How to develop your activity with Google My Business?

How to develop your activity with Google My Business?

Google My Business powerful marketing and sales tool

There are still companies today that are hard to find, even on Google: what about you? With just a few clicks, Google My Business allows you to solve this problem. Even more, provided you take the time to configure it properly, My Business turns out to be a powerful marketing and sales tool, offering many interesting features. Let’s see how to grow your business with Google My Business.

With Google My Business, take care of the first contact with your visitors

When someone searches for your sign on Google, the least thing is to make sure that you can be found instantly, and if possible, by accessing the information of your choice, rather than third-party content that you don’t. ‘have no control. The credibility of your business depends on it .

For this, Google My Business offers you to highlight the technical sheet of your company, at the top of the first page of Google, without even having to click on a search result. At a glance, Internet users have access to practical information relating to your activity and can contact you very easily. Today, for any business, Google My Business is therefore an absolutely essential tool. Good news: it’s free and easy!

Your company’s Google My Business fact sheet reassures Internet users

In just a few clicks, all you have to do is provide the necessary information on your Google My Business account, so that Internet users looking for you can find the answers to their most frequently asked questions straight away. Clearly and efficiently, Google My Business displays:

  • the name of your brand,
  • the address of your premises,
  • your business phone number,
  • your geolocation on Google Maps,
  • your days and opening hours,
  • the link to your professional website,
  • a brief description of your activity,
  • photos of your establishment, your activity, your products,
  • ratings and comments about your brand.

For a visitor, the simple fact that Google confirms all of this information about your business is reassuring. By its utility dimension, Google My Business is therefore a real guarantee of reliability and credibility for anyone who discovers you through this digital showcase. And that’s not all! As simple as it seems, Google My Business goes much further to support you in the development of your business …

Thanks to Google My Business, capitalize on Google Maps and local business

With the expansion of mobile navigation, geolocation represents a flourishing market in all sectors of activity. You may have been wondering how to make your sign visible on the sacrosanct map of Google Maps, alongside other businesses in your neighborhood. By referencing your business on Google My Business and entering your address, you’re done!

Being visible on Google Maps can bring you a huge flow of new customers, depending on your area, especially if you have a physical store or if you receive your customers at your premises. In addition, if you indicate to Google My Business the nature of your profession, of your services, by selecting the categories that correspond to you, Internet users who will look for a professional in your sector and in your locality will be able to more easily discover your brand on Google Maps., without even knowing you.

This will make it easier for them to calculate the exact route and travel time to get to your doorstep. On the other hand, if your premises are located in a big city, where many other competing brands are located, Google My Business will allow you to stand out on the big map thanks to your e-reputation …

Interact directly with your customers and develop your e-reputation

The 5-star rating system, accompanied by positive or negative comments, has literally become democratized in all areas of daily life, especially when it comes to evaluating the quality of a product, service or service. business. In web marketing, this is called e-reputation!

In this sense, Google My Business not only displays ratings and comments about your business, but above all, at the same time, allows any Internet user to rate you and comment on or illustrate their customer experience with you. Needless to say, Internet users, with great volatility, will tend to be wary of a badly rated brand or one that does not display any customer comments. If this is your case, the penalty is immediate: you lose a lot of prospects along the way.

On the other hand, if the quality of your products or services is rewarded with good reviews and positive reviews, Google My Business will attract people to you and boost your conversion rate . Therefore, to develop your activity and your turnover with Google My Business, do not hesitate to invite your satisfied customers to leave a good rating and a good comment on your brand. Considering the growing importance of e-reputation, the game is definitely worth the effort.

At the same time, the section dedicated to comments allows you to interact with Internet users and to take care of your customer relationship. Please do not hesitate to thank positive comments and be diplomatic with negative comments, to lessen the impact. Your availability and proximity help to humanize your brand image and confirm your quality of service. In this sense, a “ Chat ” section  is dedicated to frequently asked questions, which you can answer. In this way, you make it easier for Internet users to navigate and save them time, once again.

Analyze your customers’ search statistics on Google My Business

You have now completed your company’s Google My Business fact sheet. You have geolocated it and made the good customer testimonials flourish. Your brand is now easy to find on Google, to locate on Maps and is preceded by its excellent e-reputation. Would you like to go further?

In the features offered by the Google My Business interface, you can analyze in detail the research data of Internet users who have found you on the Internet and have consulted your practical sheet. From a business point of view, this information is worth gold!

By clicking on the ” Statistics ” tab  of your Google My Business account, you can find out which queries have been entered by Internet users to seek and find you. Thus, you are aware of the different exact keyword associations that bring you visitors, by direct search of the name of your company, or by category of product, profession, etc. Thanks to this data, you can build and optimize your SEO strategy , to reach more and more customers on the internet.

Google My Business also lets you know if Internet users have found you instead by Google or by Google Maps, as well as the number of views for each of these two channels. This tool for analyzing your customers’ behavior goes so far as to reveal to you what actions they took after finding your listing: click to your website, route request, phone call, consultation of your photos, etc. A real trade war machine, Google My Business does not stop there, by preparing the ground for a possible Google Ads advertising campaign …

Google My Business, the launch pad for Google Ads advertising

Behind the scenes, Google My Business is a gateway to creating Google Ads ads, promoting your business and your products. As a reminder, Google Ads is a system of paid advertising campaigns at Cost Per Click (CPC). “ My Business ” is therefore aptly named, by giving you the possibility of creating your advertisements and managing your campaigns, with formidable efficiency.

Since you have already registered in Google My Business a certain amount of key information about your company, your products and services, the creation of your Google Ads ads will be all the more simplified, because it is pre-configured. This is one of the great strengths of Google My Business: enter the information about your brand once and benefit from all the professional tools of the large American firm to develop your activity.

Google Ads ads are one of them: they allow you to directly and actively seek your future customers where they are, beyond the multiple settings on Google My Business that allow them to find you on their own. By adding the Google Ads brick, Google My Business gives you all the keys to developing your turnover thanks to the power of the Internet.

New: create your professional website from Google My Business

Revealing Google’s strategy for the future, the ” Website ” feature of Google My Business allows you to create your showcase site in a few clicks, in case you do not have one. The advantage of having registered on Google My Business all the practical information about your business is that the website generator pre-fills this data in the ”  template  ” model that it suggests you adopt. as a digital showcase.

At a glance, you can therefore visualize your future site including all your information, while having the possibility of personalizing it. In addition, by going through Google for the creation and maintenance of your professional site, you are guaranteed to respect the best practices in terms of code and referencing on… Google! The circle is complete.

Ultimately, Google My Business therefore offers to take control of all the management of the internet presence of your company and the development of your activity, quite simply. Most of the features are free – take advantage, or let your competition take your place and your customers.


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